Finished It But . . .
This week I worked on using up my stash of fabrics . . .

I had this stack of precuts plus abijillion more. And I made this . . .

It turned out much cuter than I expected even with a mistake . . .

That thankfully was the very last block. My poor doggies are upside down!
I made this in an attempt at using up all those cut blocks. That were mostly florals. Which needed to be used. I certainly stepped out of my comfort zone by putting all these fabrics and themes together.
And, I was on a roll until I ran out of thread. So this little number sits and waits for the fabulous border I have planned.
But when I'm in a mood to sew I can't be stopped.
I found a spool of navy thread and I produced these . . .

And a close up of a couple of the blocks . . .

I was using these pre-cuts. Most of the center blocks were small.
The centers are 2"

Love how the pink one turned out!

I seriously have no idea where that white thread came from.
There is no white or even very light grey in this cottage. (that I know of! ). I sewed this entire group of blocks with Navy thread.
I am indeed a Maverick quilter.
Thanks for coming over. I'm going back to the sewing room as soon as I finish cooking dinner!
Tonight I'm linking with . . .
Crazy Mom at Finish It Friday, Make My Saturday Sweet
and Blue Monday and a few other linky's I'll add later! HeHe.

I had this stack of precuts plus abijillion more. And I made this . . .

It turned out much cuter than I expected even with a mistake . . .

That thankfully was the very last block. My poor doggies are upside down!
I made this in an attempt at using up all those cut blocks. That were mostly florals. Which needed to be used. I certainly stepped out of my comfort zone by putting all these fabrics and themes together.
And, I was on a roll until I ran out of thread. So this little number sits and waits for the fabulous border I have planned.
But when I'm in a mood to sew I can't be stopped.
I found a spool of navy thread and I produced these . . .

And a close up of a couple of the blocks . . .

I was using these pre-cuts. Most of the center blocks were small.
The centers are 2"

Love how the pink one turned out!

I seriously have no idea where that white thread came from.
There is no white or even very light grey in this cottage. (that I know of! ). I sewed this entire group of blocks with Navy thread.
I am indeed a Maverick quilter.
Thanks for coming over. I'm going back to the sewing room as soon as I finish cooking dinner!
Tonight I'm linking with . . .
Crazy Mom at Finish It Friday, Make My Saturday Sweet
and Blue Monday and a few other linky's I'll add later! HeHe.