"Dog barf is no match for the latex armor that can be strapped on in a moment's notice. Rotting trash that has been ripped open by marauding raccoons can be dealt with mightily, clogged toilets defeated, cat litter boxes exorcised and HAZMAT diapers removed swiftly and easily with the power of rubber gloves.
I love gloves for their fierce protection against the elements of cleaning products and common waste. I use the gentler versions for the dishes (cold spaghetti cannot faze me when I am so clad), but my true heroes are the tough blue guys who come out when the harshest cleaning battles rage. I'm amazed how calmly I can deal with the most disgusting of situations, like bathroom mold and toilet rings. And let's not forget wet bed-sheets or middle-of-the-night nausea."
Sunday we got home from church and visiting my mom. I noticed that I smelt something that I didn't want to smell but my husband was in the bathroom so I didn't put much more thought into it. It did linger though but only for a little while. I didn't notice it again. In fact we had a nice relaxing night then we went to bed for a peaceful night sleep. I work up in the wee hours of the morning to go to the bathroom. In the dark I made my way to the bathroom. That is when I discovered the earlier smell. I step into a dog pile, smashed it with my foot! All this while my husband and the dog are snoring peacefully. I didn't have any rubber gloves but I was able to grab diaper wipes from the babies changing table!
Here's Rachels small thing for today...
Today's Small Thing is to do one job that requires, yea even begs for, rubber gloves. Clean the inside of your kitchen trash can, scrub a tub or potty, or simply wash the dishes under the protection of your stretchy five-fingered friends and see if you don't relish the inner peace you'll find. You pick the job, but let the gloves pick the fight.
POINTS: 40 for strapping on some courage today! I think I deserve an extra 40 point for telling my story!