Thursday, October 7, 2010

Stairs, Door Knobs and Chair Backs a Small Thing

Today Rachel Anne over at Home Sanctuary suggested a Small Thing. Clean these . . .

Beautiful but without the budget to have one of those nice little ladies around I sure wouldn't want one.

This is a little more my style. In fact it reminds me of the staircase in the house that we lived in when our children were young. See the arched doorway? Well ours was a door way to a closet that was under the stairs. It was the neatest closet. I stored all my holiday decorations there. I sure do miss that closet and that stair case.
But that is a rabbit and I must get back to the Simple Thing at hand. What Rachel suggested was picking up those items that you leave at the foot of the stairs. You know the shoes, toilet paper, errant books, clean clothes. All that stuff you come across during your daily activities that need to go up.
Well I no longer have a stair case. My nemesis is . . .

The backs of these chairs. And . . .

Door knobs! Yep. Door knobs.
My Cowboy has this habit of going to a dollar store and buying something for the car like windex or I don't know just stuff and he has the habit of walking in and leaving the sack hanging either on the above chairs or on a door knob.
Today I removed and put away: fix a flat, dryer sheets and gum. That was only from one door.
The bar chairs were nicely displaying the bag from the dry cleaners.
Now I can see and enjoy my lovely vintage door knobs while I count the points that I have been collecting this week by doing the Small Things. Well actually I don't have any vintage door knobs I found that cool photo on the net. But it is nice to dream.
If my calculations are correct I now have 140 points! WooHoo!


Nanette said...

What a fun post. I don't think I'd want that first staircase either unless I had a maid to clean it! It is amazing how things can accumulate around the house, good for you in tackling them!

Denise said...

Enjoyed this.